Thursday, June 15, 2017

I'm Back!

Wow!  It's been a while since I have posted anything here.  I have been busy the last 7 years with raising kids and dealing with several personal issues.  I am back now and making some changes in my life!

Finding Unity

In October of 2002, I walked into my first Unity Church.  The Unity Church of Practical Christianity on Walker Ave in Grand Rapids, MI.  I immediately felt at home!  Through the years I have "served" my spiritual community as Music Director, Choir Director, Teacher and Leader.  I fell in love with Unity teachings and could not imagine a life without them.  I have managed to handle many stressful situations such as serious illness of my youngest child, to mental health problems with my second child the loss of my father, and my oldest child developing severe anxiety and depression leading to hospitalization.  I could not have survived any of this and still had a smile on my face if it were not for Unity teachings.

Moving forward

After being forced to stay home with my children longer than I would ever have planned, I made several attempts at re-entering the workforce.  Returning to my job at Malecki Music in 2006, staying with them through the transition to J.W. Pepper, and becoming a substitute teacher from 2013-2015.  In 2011 I took the position of Youth Director at Unity Church of Peace in Ada, MI, now known as Unity Center for Spiritual Growth and my life changed in a fantastic way!  I was able to utilize my degree as a teacher by teaching children the Unity Way of life and use my administration and leadership skills from distant management positions to develop a program of outstanding quality in the Unity Great Lakes Region.  I felt at home!  However, this salary was not enough to maintain any level of financial security.  I took a position as the Office Manager at the same Center and have been there two years now.  I LOVE this arrangement!  I get to come to work in a loving and supportive environment, despite several staffing problems which were not so loving or supportive, and I continue to teach my Unity kids with the love and encouragement they need in life.  The combined salaries were not a lot, but enough to make me feel like I am contributing to the family income in a meaningful way.  That is not to stay for long...

39 New Motivational Quotes You're Going To Love

The only constant is change!

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new" - Socrates.
Changes, changes, changes!  Just when I think life has settled down and we are in a comfortable and sustainable place, changes happen.  My Office Manager job is going away.  I am now forced to make decisions I was not ready to make.  UnityCSG is wanting to eliminate my position as Office Manager and hire a new Business Manager.  The Business Manager would be the person who is "half" of a traditional Minister and have the role of running the business side of things along with the hiring of a part-time Minister.  These two people will be charged with the complete running of the Center.  One would think that I, as Office Manager and personal assistant to the prior Minister would be a good candidate as the new Business Manager.  I feel like I am!!!  My board has hesitated to put me in this role for reasons unknown to me and has posted the job online to attract candidates.  I have applied for the position, but have been told "off the record" that I would have to choose between my Youth Program and the Business Manager!  This necessitates the need to find some supplemental income for my family.  If I am awarded the Business Manager position, I loose my job as Youth Director (which I love and have put countless hours into creating), if I choose Youth Director, I will loose the income provided by the Office Manager job I am losing.  What to do!??

Currently, I am exploring all options knowing that I must have income secured immediately following my release as Office Manager.  Do I go back to my craft business, try again and hope that my income is better due to a strengthened economy?  Do I go off in a new direction such as beginning a business based on Energy Healing and Psychic abilities?  I know that whatever I need, God will provide, but I can't help feeling lost and hopeless at the moment.  I am waiting for a sign of what direction I should take....   and praying hard to find the courage to step up into whatever role is needed at this time with grace and goodwill.  

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Favorite Books on Energy Healing

Much of my time as a healer is spent trying to convince people that it works, which is an extremely difficult task.  There are plenty of sites dedicated to the art of energy healing which you can feel free to explore in detail at your leasure which may or may not convice you of its validity.  I do not wish to spend too much time here trying to win people over, or tell of the many beneifts of healing or the difference between the healing process and curing (very different indeed!) as I feel anyone who has the internet knowledge necessary to find me here, is fully capable of finding any number of sites on the internet and sifting through the volumes of knowledge on this subject on their own.  Instead, I would like to serve the interests of those who already "believe" and give my advice and knowledge of how everyone can utilize this powerful and very misunderstood tool for their own health and well-being.

Many who have already experienced their first "healing" are often amazed and wonder about the details of what just happened.  There are several books which I reccommend reading if you want to learn more.  The greatest book, in my opinion, on learning how energy healing works is the book by Barbara Ann Brennan called "Hands of Light", you can find it here...

This book has a wealth of knowledge about the energy of the planet as well as the human energy field.  Chapters on the chakras and the causes of illness.  There are also tools to help you learn the art of intuition and how to "feel" energy which is essential if you wish to do any healing on your own.  I do not feel that I came into this field with any sort of "gift" and have learned how to heal the same way anyone learns any discipline, through practice, practice, and more practice.   The more you do it, the better you get and this book will help.

The other book I frequently refer back to is a book called the "The Healing Power of Your Aura" by Barbara M. Martin.

This book has so much infrmation that it really is a reference book and not something that one sits down and just reads.  It has charts and graphs on the different rays of energies and lots of images and pictures of the layers of the human energy field plus prayerful meditations on how to bring things back into alignment if you are experiencing a specific ailment.  It also has the best section I have ever read (just my opinion, of course) on why energy healing works and where it comes from.  A must read for anyone who can already feel energy and wishes to move forward into the next step. 

The last books I wish to recommend are books on the psychological issues behind the causes of illness.  I have found that there is a deep issue behind every healing I have ever done.  If you are experiencing an illness or a physical issue that modern medicine cannot seem to be able to treat, or perhaps something long-term that you are struggling to understand, then these are the books for you!  If you are a healer, these books are essential to understanding the nature of illness and the answer to why sometimes it just doesn't seem to work on some people.  The works of Louise Hay and Caroline Myss.  These two remarkable women have several books available on this subject and they are worth every penny!! 

Louis Hay's "Heal You Body A-Z; The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Way to Overcome Them" has become my starting point for every healing.  Sometimes just going through the affirmations with a client before working on them is all the healing they need.

Caroline Myss's "Why People Don't Heal and How They Can" was one of the  very first books I read after becoming a healer and it opened my eyes to so many more possibilities than just the simple working on their energy field.  In my opinion, this is a must read for everyone who is experiencing any kind of illness and I often recommend it to my clients to read before or after a healing session.  They always come back having experienced some kind of deep emotional change which often changes their lives.  Sometimes it can also be a very difficult read as we (myself included) don't always wish to take the responsibility for the life we have created for ourselves.

I hope that you take the time to at least investigate some of the titles listed above, as I know that you will be changed in some way.  I know that these books changed my life, and I am grateful that someone, somewhere recommended them to me.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hand-dyed yarns

Here is a collage of my yarns that are available for sale. They are all 100% wool, and they are all one-of-a-kind works of art. There is no dye lot, so there is a limited yardage in each color.

If you see something you like, send me an email and I will send you a specs sheet listing the details for each yarn. I will also include a free pattern with each sale specifically suited for the yarn you are purchasing. (Please specify knit or crochet.)

A great gift for your favorite knitter or crocheter!
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Monday, August 9, 2010

My first post!

I hope to combine my two favorite things on this blog... yarn and Healing. 

I have been doing energy healings for the last 6 years.  I learned Reiki from a friend and quickly found that I have both a talent and a love for healing through the energy field.  I have been experimenting with different techniques and have developed my own method which I find works very well.  There is little recognition for such things in my area of the country, so I am hoping that this blog will allow me to generate both business and interest.

My second "love" is all things yarn.    I have been knitting for about 10 years and I always have a project within reach.  I often cannot leave the house until I have packed a small project to take with me just in case I have a moment or two to knit.    Lately, I have been designing my own patterns and hand-dying my own yarn as I refuse to pay others for things I can make myself.  I will be posting designs for sale as well as hand-made items for sale.  I also have a growing inventory of available yarns for sale as I experiment with several dying techniques. 

Berrylicious Sock yarn

This is just the beginning!  I look forward to posing often... so come back for a visit.